Saturday, December 11, 2010

Natural shade of brunette, or bright, fire-engine red? The right choice of hairstyle depends on the individual.

Is it better to have healthy, natural looking hair, or is a fun, brightly dyed hairstyle the right choice?

Playing it safe is all very well, but its's fun to branch out and experiment from time to time, and changes in hairstyles are a great way to play around with your look. Dramatic changes to cut and colour can make a huge difference to your overall appearance and often make a bold statement.

The trick of course is finding what suits you and feels right for you - this doesn't mean your hairstyle will always remain the same, it is simply a case of what is right for you at a particular time in your life. For example, I wear my hair long and dye it blonde, as it suits me and my personality. However, I often feel urges to try other colours, and certainly wouldn't rule out a shorter hairstyle and a change of colour in the future.

 A change of hairstyle can be a reflection of a change in lifestyle. As Rihanna changed from the fresh-faced, pretty girl image she had when she first hit the music scene to a darker, sexier style when promoting her Good Girl Gone Bad and Rated R albums, she ditched her long, brown long and opted for short, edgy haircuts in bold colours such as black, blonde and red. When Nicole Richie left her party girl lifestyle behind her and settled down with Joel Madden, she also left her bleached blonde hair behind and chose a classy brunette shade instead.

Rihanna looks stunning and unique with her flame red hair and edgy cut...

... while Nicole looks healthier and happier than ever after losing the bleach and going for a more natural, rich shade of brown.

As with everything about fashion - clothes, make up, accessories - finding
the right hairstyle is all about finding what's right for you. 
Rihanna is a perfect example of how unusual styles can suit some
people, while Nicole proves that for others, natural is the way to go.

 There is no right or wrong answer, only what suits the individual and makes them feel good.

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